Sunday 30 October 2011


I wrote this yesterday, and i think it resonates well with a certain spirit which is moving groups of humanity today to ask the questions, to bring to awareness, to act on world issues. But one of the the highest priorities here is: Did You listen? since it is in the interest of the whole planet, man, animals, plants, the whole doodle, that somebody has an ear to the political/social/ecological stirrings going on in the belly of the World.
I think it is of high importance that we all make a serious effort to listen to each other in the big picture of society and economics, as well as listening to the living Earth. The animals and plants which all equally suffer as a result of us, the human race, of failing to care for them better, or indeed failing to include them better as living, sentient beings worthy of voice in our current civillization mind-view. The very reality of the plight of the natural world, is a mirror of our own inner soul plight of man in the capitalist, consumer-model, banker-run society. The occupations happening globally in major cities as i write these words, are a valiant advance for the people (the 99%) on the Giants (you know who they are) who walk over us (and sometimes, on us) our needs apparently deaf and unreachable to their ears up there....and is it not time the Giants realised they are not Giants but the same size as us?

Did you listen?

as the oceans rose in anger,
as the forests said no more we are gone,
shade, fruit, shelter? The light on our leaves?
we are gone,
as the animals fled to a last corner, whining, scared,
hoping their story might be heard.

Did you listen?

A groan as the giants,
glutted on into the night,
tearing the soil up,
the mountains ruptured,
ripping away,
anything living,
to ensure their lives,
and their riches,
never end

Did you listen?

A monstrous howling,
came from the cities around the world,
it was the people,
who lived in their tiny houses,
who realised they were,
fed to be kept asleep
from the nightmare
the giants were making
of the World

No more could they stand for this,
and like the hiss of a rising geyser,
the people went
to take the greedy-guts giants
to justice.

Did they listen?

Robin Collins 'Roaring Poet' October 2011

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