Friday 24 January 2014

Apple Tree Earth

Apple Trees are perfect symbols of the Earths abundance, and her fragility both at the same time.
Like an apple tree, or an orchard, the Earth can support a human community but only if her bounty is cared for and respected. She will bring us good health but only if we tend to her good health with returning love. The plight of modern man is that he has forgotten to nurture his apple tree, and indeed has probably built a ring-road about it! Here's a poem I have written on that matter.

The Last Apple Tree

A sacrifice has to be made,

for the Earths heart of apples to give beyond today,

for her fruits are going,

but do we have the courage?

Do we have the love to surrender to what she is losing?

Have we heart to plunge into the darkness,

where Earth is now?

Like an apple tree standing in a waste of rubbish,

deforested, extracted and fracked.

She is waiting for us to return something.


The time was yesterday,

when the Earth,

called us,

in our sleep,

to let go,

of the oil-addiction,

and fast-lane living.

Waken man!

Waken woman!

Earth calls us like a blackbird in the morning,

the time is over,

no more blind destruction of her apples of life.


Today is the decisive hour.

Do we let go, step down,

for all the apple tree has given?

Now we must return,

with spirit and love,

restore the wounded world,

that once flourished around her roots.


Let's replant our feet,

like Earths last apple tree,

what are we waiting for?

She is calling us,

like a blackbird in the morning.

Robin Collins 2014

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